Aside from the famous duck in PEC, I also saw these guys, which are pretty common but new to me! I enjoyed watching their antics!
#82: House Wren; outside Consecon; July 27, 2010

I also saw a Black Tern at Sandbanks, but didn't manage to get a picture. Oh well!
After a few lovely days in PEC, we headed north to Algonquin Park. One of the best shots (ok, the best shot) I got was of a loon, but I'm torn over whether to post it's a long story. You may see it yet.
Anyways, here are the new birds I got while I was there!
#83: Brown Creeper; Campsite on White Trout Lake; July 30, 2010
I heard about these but could not for the life of me manage to spot one. There were 2 on the site, and the only reason I spotted is because I could hear this rustling on the tree. Very funny birds to watch.

#84: Herring Gull; Joe Lake; August 1, 2010
I guess these guys aren't in Ottawa yet. This was the nice thing about being in Algonquin: it's kind of a different zone so you get to see some different stuff! I'm sure he'll be in Ottawa but I'm still learning migration patterns/timing and all that jazz. He was s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g I guess (or he was about to fly off but decided I wasn't as intimidating as he thought)!

Also of interest.....ducks in a row.

While in the park, I saw other birds that could have made the list....sandhill cranes and ravens being a few, but I missed getting shots. Guess that just means I have to go back!
Saw this guy on the way out of the park. I can't for the life of me tell what it is. It was maybe a bit bigger than a kestrel. I'm thinking Merlin, but maybe a Peregrine? Any comments on this one would be appreciated. What it's eating is a dragonfly (should help not just with diet but also with scale!)!
A couple of readers have helped me identify this as a Merlin. Thanks!
#85: Merlin; Hwy 60, just outside of Algonquin Park (east); August 1, 2010

So now I have to figure out my plan for this weekend and decide on what I'll go out looking for. Thanks to those who have left me comments and given me tips on where to find some the birds. I do apreciate it!
could it be a Sharp-shinned Hawk?
Your mystery falcon is indeed a Merlin. Note the sideburns.
It`s me Dave again. I`m going to give you this link:
This is THE site for info if you want to birdwatch in Ottawa. Its chock full of info. As for ravens and Sandhill Cranes.
You don`t have to go all the way back to Milton. Ravens are easily, easily found on the Quebec side up along the 148 in Luskville, or you could try the Moodie Dr Quarry, I see them at the dump. Herring Gulls are usually found only at Deschenes at this time of year or at the Nepean Dump/Moodie Dr Quarry. As for Sandhill Cranes, wait until late October early November and then you can get them in great numbers just a little south of Orleans. But all this stuff is on the link I`ve provided.
And btw, great photo of a Merlin. Love that he caught a dragonfly.
Hey Sandy, there were a few markings that allowed me to eliminate the sharp-shinned (namely the eye colour and the "sideburns"...what a perfect description). Thanks for trying :)
Chris and Dave, thanks for confirming my suspicions! I was pretty sure it was a Merlin, but I had thought that it could have been a juvenile peregrine. I just read that they are adult size by the time they leave the nest, and this bird was way too small. I'll update now, and that will bring me up to 85! Perfect!
what's the deal with the loon??
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