I went to an OFNC outing on Sunday morning at Jack Pine trail. I learned lots of songs and calls, and we heard quite a few birds that aren't on my list, but we didn't see them. Also lots of pretty dragonflies, which is a new thing for me, and a snapping turtle laying eggs, which I got video of! I may post it in the near future if I can find 5 minutes of time somewhere.
#70: June 13, 2010;
Common Yellowthroat; Jack Pine Trail.
Another silly name for a bird: clearly this one should have been called "Yellow-bellied Bandit."
I find it a little nuts that this is the "common" yellowthroat. How is it possible that a "common" bird is entirely new to me? Am I really that ignorant?

I'm at a sort of scary part of my challenge. There are few birds left I can think of ever having seen before that aren't on my list, and I have most of what I consider "the easy ones" out of the way. That means that the next 30 are going to be a lot harder to see and, for the most part, new to me. I still have a few in mind that should be around and that I have an idea of where to find, so that should get me a little closer to 100.
yellow belly bandit?
I would suggest tit-ranger or bush-bandit.
what about black-masked booby?
Although common, they are tiny little birds and not always seen easily. Usually people hear them before ever seeing them. So, no...you are not ignorant but quite normal Jenna. For the longest time I hadn't seen one either.
that is a wicked shot
oh, hey again. a year later!
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