After my field trip on Wednesday with the OFNC, I was hoping to do another on Sunday at Mud Lake to catch migrators. Well, getting there for 7 am was feeling a little impossible at 6 I skipped out and went by myself later 11! I was only there for an hour and then I had to leave for dragonboating practice, but there was so much going on that I had to head back and put in a few more hours. I ended up leaving at 7:30 pm. Anyways, lots going on, and there are a few pics I'm holding back either because I'm not 100% sure of the ID (vireos of some sort) and a few pics that are just too fuzzy for me (great-crested flycatcher and yellow-rumped warbler). Also saw a bunch of
cedar waxwings, a hummingbird (!) that I wasn't able to photograph because I didn't catch it on time, and a black-crowned nightheron way way off in the distance.
#45: Baltimore Oriole; May 16, 2010; Mud Lake beautiful right?

#46: Northern Flicker, May 16, 2010; Mud Lake
I have lots of flickers but they are soooo hard to photograph. This one was hanging out a nesting cavity in this tree. I was just about to leave and wouldn't have even seen it if it hadn't been for another photographer that had his gear set up pointing at it.

#47: Gray Catbird: May 16, 2010; Mud Lake
This bird was in the field part of the Mud Lake area. I almost walked by but he kept making these crazy calls, so I knew it was a bird I hadn't seen and I decided to set up and wait for him.

So close to's driving me nuts!
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