Sunday, September 12, 2010

gullible me (94)

Didn't really have a chance to get much birding in this weekend. The only free time I had was on Sunday and it was raining, so this is all I got. 

There were tons of gulls in farmers' fields on the way home. Usually there aren't any that stick out but today there was. In a huge flock of gulls at the corner of Eagleson and Fallowfield, there were a few that weren't quite like the others....actually, once you picked them out, they stood out like sore thumbs.

So gulls are tricky too...spent quite a while looking at colours, wing colour patterns, bill/feet/eye colours, range maps, etc.!

94: Great Black-Backed Gull; Field at Eagleson/Fallowfield, Ontario; September 12, 2010

Also saw a Lesser Black-Backed Gull (I'm pretty sure...but didn't quite get the camera ready in time before it flew off and didn't come back.

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